

Carole A. Feuerman (Hartford, Connecticut, 1945) is an American artist and hyper-realistic sculptor. She currently lives and works in New York, New York. Feuerman is most known for her resin sculptures painted in oil, but she also utilizes other media such as bronze and stone. She developed a technique she calls “painting with fire” where she pours, splatters and splashes up to five different molten metals that are 2000 degrees in temperature. Most recently she has introduced photography and interactive video media as a component to her sculptural works.

She is represented by galleries both nationally and abroad, and has work in many public and private collections all over the world. She has enjoyed six museum retrospectives to date, and has been included in exhibitions at, among other venues, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, and the Palazzo Strozzi in Florence, Italy.

On May 20, 2012, Feuerman unveiled her monumental sculpture "Survival of Serena" for the first time in painted bronze with New York City's Department of Parks and Recreation. Its resin sister first debuted at the Venice Biennale in 2007. The new "Survival of Serena" is the first of a series of painted bronze sculptures by the artist designed specifically for outdoor placement.

Survival of Serena 2012

Studio Work

“I’m most known for my hyperrealistic sculptures of swimmers and bathers, complete with every freckle and water drop. I sculpt the human figure so lifelike, the pieces seem to breathe…This can take up to 100 different coats of paint, and glazing and sanding in between coats, to get the finish and luminosity needed. From start to finish, the process of creating a sculpture can take from 6 months to several years.”

Lady Neptune
Photo by Alvaro Corzo V.

Studio Fabrication Room
Photo by Alvaro Corzo V.

Balance Waterdrops
Photo by Alvaro Corzo V.

Some of her Amazing Sculptures
- Oil and Resin

Carole Feuerman started her career as a sculptor creating super-realist resin casts of people in everyday situations. Her ability to recreate the effect of water on the skin made her figurative sculptures of swimmers particularly well-known.

Made of clear resin, the cascading droplets enclose the women in a visceral sensuality, as well as convey that they have just stepped out of one world and into another. One’s attention shifts between the body and the skin, the visual and the tactile. 

Painted Bronze

In Employee Shower, Feuerman’s figure is caught up in the moment, and in the action of taking a shower. The figure is put on display for the audience and is oblivious to their presence. Feuerman states that the young employee is captured in a moment of relaxation after a long day of work. It is “as though the ‘Employees Only’ sign on the door of the bathroom is only a suggestion. Through the shared experience of the viewers, one woman’s private moment becomes a public testimonial to the calming and purifying abilities of water.”

Employee Shower, 2008

Next Summer, 2012
Painted Bronze and Stainless Steel

More Great Works...

Monumental Shower with Video, 2010
Oil and Resin Sculpture with TV and Video,
51 x 48 x 29″

Nude Coming Through 14th Street, 2010
Oil and Resin Sculpture with Photograph on Vinyl 84 x 96 x 6″

Tree with Leaves, 2011
Oil and Resin Sculpture with Interactive Projection of Leaves, Dimensions Variable
(Video Below)

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1 comment:

  1. Wow from far away you would swear they're the real deal......amazingly lifelike.
