

Tjalf Sparnaay’s paintings hit the retina like bolts of lightning in a clear blue sky. No other painter confronts us quite so clearly with ordinary objects that we hold dear. Since 1987, he has been working on his imposing oeuvre, constantly seeking new images that have never been painted before. What he calls Megarealism is part of the contemporary global art movement of Hyperrealism, and Sparnaay is now considered one of the most important painters working in that style.

"Broodje Gezond" (Healthy Bun aka Healthy Sandwich)

His oil paintings are so realistic one would think they were photos of the real thing.

Originally he started as a teacher physical education (bachelor) at highschool. Now he is working as an professional artist from 1987. He even was a (Tjalf Sparnaay-)gallery owner in Amsterdam from 1997 - 2002 where I used to live for almost 25 years.

His original works are exhibited and sold by several artdealers in three countries: OK Harris Works of Art in New York USA, PlusOne Gallery in Londo UK and the Collectie Harms Rolde Art Gallery in the Netherlands. These dealers are representing me worldwide, generating interest amongst collectors and attracting attention from museums.

He does a lot of streetphotography, composing and playing the piano and writes collumns.

"Draadjesvlees" ('Wired Stew' aka Beef Stew)

"Herfstbladeren" (Autumn Leaves)

"Vaatwasser" (Dishwasher)

"Ontbijtje" (Mini/Light Breakfast)

"Meisje van Vermeer in plastic" (Girl from Vermeer in Plastic)

"Fiets" (Bicycle)

"Boterham met kaas" (A Slice of Bread With Cheese)

"Cindy II"

"Very Large Salad Bowl"

"Hamburger friet" (Hamburger With Fries)


"Patat" (Fries)

"Handen" (Hands)

"Gebakken Ei" (Fried Egg)

"Kassabon" (Cashier Receipt)

"Colablikje" (Coke can/tin)

"Pastry with Strawberry, 2012"

"Kroket, 2011"  (Croquette, 2011)

"Ketchup 2011"


"Krentenbollen" (Currant/Raisin Balls)

"Boterhammen in plastic zak" (Sliced Bread/Sandwich in a Plastic Bag)

"Casino wit" (Casino White)

"Moorkop" (Dutch Profiterole Pastry known as Moorkop)

"Broodjes" (Buns)

All Images © Tjalf Sparnaay

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