

Trina Merry is a fine art and avante garde fashion bodypainter based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is the owner of the bodypaint installation and performance troupe the ART ALIVE GALLERY. She has been a bodypainter since 2006 when introduced to it by Australian band the Red Paintings on a Dresden Dolls Tour.

Trina is very passionate about this most ancient and simultaneously contemporary artform. “Bodypaint creates a special connection to a person that other visual art forms have trouble accomplishing; it’s a distinctly human experience”.

After graduating with a B.A. in film, she worked on many major films & TV shows in the art department. She decided to move back to the Bay Area to focus on her own art and was exhibiting in up to 9 gallery shows a month, selling ¾ of her work.

The Human Motorcycle Project

Trina Merry and her ART ALIVE Gallery team created three bodypainted human motorcycles to promote the International Motorcycle Roadshow tour starting November 2nd.   Through teamwork, they pushed through impossibility together to create a cutting-edge work of art.  It is one of the most ambitious and highly inventive bodypaintings ever created.  This creative team invented living human Transformers-  Cruiser, Sport Bike and a Dirt Bike - that can breathe, move & even be tickled.

“The motorcycle project from start to finish was the greatest lesson I’ve learned thus far about the magnitude of human potential in teamwork.  The experience of transforming a small group of dedicated models into the image of a motorcycle, at one point seemed relatively impossible.  The end result is certainly what validates the truth ‘anything is possible if you believe’.” – Lana Baumgartner, human canvas & yoga instructor

See more 'Behind-the-Scenes' in the video below.

"Low Ri-der"

Photo by Juan Moreno

Rider: Erin Bates
Front wheel: Lana Baumgartner
Back Wheel: Jackie Bartlett
Body/seat: Morgaine Roseenthal
Exhaust Pipe Top & Engine: Gwendolyn Withrow
Exhaust Pipe(bottom) & Engine: Ciara McLemore
Handlebar: Kerstin Tuning

Rider:  Erin Bates

"Sport Bike"

Photo by Juan Moreno

Rider: Erin Bates
Front wheel: Morgaine Rosenthal
Back Wheel: Anna Julian
Shield: Lana Shea Baumgartner
Body/seat: Jackie Bartlett
Body: Ciara McLemore

Rider:  Erin Bates

"Dirt Bike"

Photo by Juan Moreno

Rider: Erin Bates
Body/Seat: Morgaine Rosenthal
Front Tire: Ciara McLemore
Back Tire: Gwendolywn Withrow
Handlebar: Lana Baumgarther
Front Fender: Kerstin Tuning
Back Fender: Jackie Bartlett

Rider:  Erin Bates

Other Artworks:

Bay Bridge
Photo by JAM Photos Juan Moreno
Model Sandra Moreno
Bodypaint Trina Merry
 — with Isabel Montesdeoca,Joshua SamperoyTrina MerrySandra Moreno andJuan Moreno.

The Golden Gate Bridge
Photo by JAM Photos
Models Jessica DiSalvo Alyse Kelsey Griffin & Jessica Yurash
Bodypaint by Trina Merry
Hair & assistant Sandra Moreno
 — with Jessica SmithSandra MorenoIsabel MontesdeocaAlyse Kelsey GriffinJoshua SamperoyTrina MerryJuan Moreno and Jessica Yurash.

75th anniversary Golden Gate Bridge...
Photography: JAM Photos
Model: Rebecca Case
Bodypaint: Trina Merry with a little basecoating by the lovely Sandra Moreno

"Urban Camouflage"

Clarion Alley, San Francisco, CA
Body Painter - Trina Merry
Photography - James Elledge
Model - Charisma Lane

On the side of the Metro Building...
Photo by Thinh Le
Models Ana Schmidt and Michelle Miller
Bodypaint by Trina Merry
 — with Thinh LeTrina MerryJoshua Samperoy and Michelle Miller.

Clarion Alley in SF
Photographer Thinh Le
Model Lori Spector Krein
Bodypaint by Trina Merry
Mural by Michael Kershnar

Photo by JAM Photos Juan Moreno
Bodypaint by Trina Merry & Jessica Yurash
Hand Models = The Moreno Family
 — with Trina MerryJoshua SamperoySandra MorenoJessica Yurash and Juan Moreno.


Bodypaint by Trina Merry
Photo by JAM Photos
Model Bumble
Hair Sandra Moreno
 — with Trina MerryJuan Moreno and Sandra Moreno.

Created live for "CHROMA COALITION"
Picture by the Amaya sisters =)))
Los Angeles, CA
— with Trina MerryEric Black and Nicole Monet Amaya at Cooper Design Space.

Trina never uses agencies to acquire models and 99% of her models find her either in person, through referrals, or through the web.

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