
0 Incredibly Realistic-looking DOLL FACES by Russian Artist

Talk about talent. Just take a look at these dolls! You would think they were photos of real children. Russian artist, Michael Zajkov is the artistic talent behind these dolls which truly shows off his unique skills. It’s the way he paints those lips… those eyes… and the freckles that make them appear so incredibly-realistic and natural-looking.


0 Van Gogh’s Famous ‘BEDROOM IN ARLES’ Painting Recreated by the The Art Institute of Chicago. RENTED on Airbnb

It’s one thing to dream of being in a painting – it’s another thing to actually be able to do it! The first ‘picture’ right below is an actual room painted to look like Van Gogh’s Bedroom painting. The second picture is the actual painting by the famous artist – one of three he did.

A bit of fascinating history first on Van Gogh's Bedrooms by the Art Institute of Chicago:

Van Gogh’s life was short and nomadic. By the time he died, at the age of 37, he had lived in 37 separate residences across 24 cities, mostly as a boarder or a guest dependent on the hospitality of family or friends. In 1888, he finally moved into the only home he truly considered his own: his beloved “Yellow House” in Arles. Of his many bedrooms, Van Gogh immortalized only the one from the Yellow House—three times in fact. He first painted the room in 1888 shortly after his move to the Arles and then painted the composition twice more in 1889: once to record the first version that had been damaged when his home flooded and then again as a gift for his mother and sister.