
0 McDonald's FRENCH FRY Gloves by Moroch

If you must wear gloves why not wear some french fry-looking ones?!

Great out-of-the-box idea for McDonald's from the Dallas-based ad agency ‘Moroch’. These fry gloves are a pair of knitted gloves that'll turn your cold hands into some warm looking french fries.

The marketing gimmick was done at a Green Bay Packers home game, where thousands of lucky fans were able to get their hands (no pun intended) on some french fry gloves. 


0 Simon Beck's SNOWSHOE Art

British Artist Simon Beck creates snow art by walking back-and-forth for miles in snowshoes, creating in the process some of the most astonishing large-scale designs in the snow, like a 300-foot-high image of a wolf howling at the moon.

Simon Beck’s snow art at Lake Louise, Alberta. Credit: Chris Moseley/Lake Louise Ski Resort

It all started ten years ago when he purchased an apartment at a ski resort and as he explained in an interview with radio personality and host of Public Radio International’s The World, Marco Werman:


0 INSECT-LIKE Lamps By U-Ram Choe

To have a beautifully sculptured lamp is one thing but to have one embedded with CPUs, motors and LEDs and looking like some sort of an insect, well that’s just plain awesome.

Silver Insecta Lamp, 2013. Metallic material, machinery, electronic device (cpu board, motor, led), resin, magnet. 16 1/2 × 9 1/10 × 14 3/5 in. Courtesy of the artist and GALLERY HYUNDAI