

Tom Eckert creates everything out of wood and we mean EVERYTHING.  His sculptures are formed entirely of wood and then painted.  He uses traditional processes to carve, construct, laminate and paint his pieces.  The woods he prefers working with are basswood, linden and limewood (all very similar) chosen because they carve and paint well and are very stable.


Coming from a painting and drawing background, he applys some of these techniques to his sculptures.   His choice of paint is mostly waterborne lacquer applied using both spray guns and brushes.

Forms carved to suggest cloth recur in many of his pieces.  As he explains on his site: By tradition, cloth has been widely used to conceal and shroud objects in practices ranging from advertising to church rituals.  Covered forms are often more evocative - with a sense of mystery absent from the uncovered object by itself.  As he recalls: "I remember in church one Lent, as a child, being mystified while gazing at the statues shrouded with purple cloth."

He further goes on to say: “Cloth” carved of wood has much different structural qualities than real cloth. When this idea is applied to my compositions (floating book, floating cards, floating rock) a sense of the impossible happens - for me, magic.